National Day of Action for Immigration Reform, Road Map to Citizenship Set for Oct. 5

Take the pledge to hit the streets Oct. 5:

This Saturday, Oct. 5, a broad and diverse coalition of immigrant, faith, labor, civil rights and family groups will march and rally in more than 80 actions across the nation and call on Congress to pass immigration reform with a road map to citizenship that promotes family unity and protects workers’ rights.

Take the pledge to hit the streets Oct. 5

In addition, the National Day of Dignity and Respect will call for an end to the destruction of immigrant families through deportations and an erosion of workers’ rights. In a statement, the group says:

We are marching for an America where our hard work is honored; where our many contributions to the nation are respected and where our families and children can dream of building lives of dignity and without fear. We cannot let the continued failures of Washington result in more families torn apart, more abusive employers and poverty wages, more children who cannot dream. Continue reading

Oct. 5: More than 80 Pro-Immigration Large-Scale, Major Mobilizations Planned to Move DC Logjam on Reform

With key Republicans and Democrats pledging to work for reform, Immigrant Rights Groups escalate activities for legalization that leads to citizenship for 11 million and call for the immediate end to deportations

OCt 5Washington, DC–On Saturday, October 5, more than 80 major mobilization efforts, rallies, vigils, pilgrimages, direct action, will take place across the country, marking the National Day for Dignity and Respect–and the beginning of the immigration rights movement’s escalation to bring immigration reform across the finish line this year.

Latino, Asian, and immigrant communities, joined by faith, labor, and civil rights organizations are making a unified call for immigration reform that ends deportations and wasteful spending on border militarization, and promotes family unity and protects worker rights.

After the 80+ events across the country that weekend, immigration rights groups will continue to escalate its efforts with a rally and free concert on Tuesday, Oct. 8 on the National Mall in Washington, DC, beginning at 12:30pm. Tens of thousands of people are confirmed. Continue reading