At $2.13 minimum wage, restaurant workers struggle to put food on their own tables

by Laura Clawson

Restaurant workers are supposed to get at least minimum wage, when tips are combined with the $2.13 an hour tipped worker minimum wage. But, as the women in this video make clear, that’s not enough. Too often, employers don’t make up the difference, or even push workers to do prep or cleaning work at $2.13, with no chance to make tips. Or customers walk out on their checks, or leave a racist note instead of a tip, or a homophobic note instead of a tip, or a religious tract instead of a tip. Continue reading

Atlanta Jobs with Justice Celebrates 2013 Victories

atlantajwjby Roger Sikes

In 2013 we won big victories and laid important infrastructure towards organizing the South. Our city of Atlanta is critical to the regional, national and global struggle to build an economy that works for EVERYONE. The South must lead. Building an unapologetically progressive organization that unites community, labor, students and faith communities in effective campaigns and movements for economic, racial and social justice is a tall task anywhere, but especially in the South. Continue reading