Oct 2 DC One Nation march for jobs gets support of AFL-CIO

During its Aug. 4-5 meeting in Washington, D.C., the AFL-CIO Executive Council issued a statement supporting the One Nation coalition and its October 2 Washington D.C. march for jobs.  The AFL-CIO said saying we must fight the fear mongering and scapegoating that is dividing our country.

All of us have been dismayed, to say the least, by the failure of the Obama Administration to make more progress on restoring the economy, particularly in regards to job creation, fighting foreclosures and preventing further job losses resulting from budget cuts by state and local governments.  We are frustrated by and angry at the obstructionism of Congressional Republicans.

Now, a new coalition (ONE NATION WORKING, TOGETHER) has come together to fight back on the jobs and the other issues necessary to save our economy. They have called for a March for Jobs on October  in Washington, D.C.  2nd just two months away.  On the same day, the union movement will walk door-to-door in targeted states around the country, mobilizing union members exactly one month before the fall elections.

The administration’s failure represents both a lack of leadership and a political shift toward the position of the “deficit hawks”—those Republicans and Democrats who believe that government spending, even counter-cyclical deficit spending to counter the impact of the Great Recession, represents a greater threat to the economy than the renewed recession the cutbacks the deficit hawks advocate would cause. The influence of the deficit hawks is the main reason that the Senate has failed to pass any re-authorization of the extension of unemployment benefits and why the version the House passed did not include an extension of subsidized COBRA (health care) benefits.

The leadership for this coalition comes from 1199, the New York based hospital workers union, and the national NAACP. Other unions, including the AFL-CIO and SEIU are already involved. A growing list of community organizations is on board. DSA has endorsed the March for Jobs, as did the U.S. Social Forum, when it convened in Detroit in June. In our view this mobilization can motivate grass roots activism that fights back against Congress’s and the administration’s retreat on job creation.

It is vital that this march succeed. The risk of a double dip recession, bringing additional large-scale job losses, increases every day. Without additional public jobs programs and federal aid to prevent layoffs by state and local governments, we will face another major economic contraction.

The March for Jobs coalition  web site, OneNationWorkingTogether.org, is up. In addition to calling for Jobs the march demands repair of our immigration system, and Wall Street reform! The coalition specifically demands the change that we voted for.

You can register to get updates on the One Nation Working Together website. If you want to know about what DSA chapters and members are doing to help build the march send an email to DSA national director Frank Llewellyn.

11 Responses

  1. I s there a bus leaving from Cleveland, Akron or Youngstown, OHIO ?

  2. wow thats all i can say wow

  3. Looking for any group/ organization that have a bus leaving from the Detroit, Michigan area going to the Washington DC March on Oct 2nd that has seats avaiable. Know of anyone I can contact?

  4. Is there a group/organization/bus leaving from Pittsburgh, PA going to the One Nation March?

  5. Is there a bus leaving from CT or NY for the One Nation march?

  6. on the second link… go to the DISCUSSION tab at the top of the page

  7. I want to go to Washington on 10/2/10/. I live in Brooklyn. Where can I find a bus in the Flatbush area?

  8. Do the rights you claim to champion come from man ( where they change as to who has power) or do the rights you champion come from the Creator and thus are for all people in all situations for eternity.
    Are you for freedom or socisl slavery.
    An honest answer, please.


    • Do you recall that Jesus said to allow God to take care of the spiritual and allow man to take care of the secular – a call for separation of church and state if ever there was one. I consider “social slavery” to be a country under the yoke of religious zealots who believe they, and only they, know the mind of God. Under such terrorism there is no freedom. It’s why the Constitution was written the way it was. We need REAL morality, desperately, in America! It will not come from those who selectively use Biblical law!

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