Atlanta May Day Summit: “Toward an Economic Bill of Rights” –Issues Facing Working People

Joe Schwartz (DSA Vice Chair)

Atlantans will celebrate May 1, International Workers’ Day, at “May Day Summit 2010: Toward an Economic Bill of Rights,” sponsored by the Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm at the Georgia Hill Neighborhood Facility at 250 Georgia Avenue SE in Grant Park.

Workshops will bring together Atlanta activists and members of the public to share their experiences confronting critical problems facing our communities, including foreclosures and homelessness; labor rights and working families; the defense budget’s impact on Georgia’s budget; the militarization of public education; health care and Grady Hospital; and students and teachers confronting the crisis in public education.

Plenary speakers will include Joe Schwartz, vice-chair, Democratic Socialists of America; Carl Davidson, national co-chair, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism; Georgia State Senator Vincent Fort; Charlie Flemming, president, Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council; and Sandra Robertson, executive director, Georgia Citizens’ Coalition on Hunger.

“We are going through very difficult times, but we are not alone,” says Milt Tambor, Metro Atlanta DSA chair. “We can learn from each other how to build a truly democratic society that benefits everyone, not just a powerful few. We welcome everyone to join us on May Day.”

The registration fee of $10 (sliding scale for students and unemployed) will include lunch, and an evening party at the Little 5 Points Community Center in partnership with the Atlanta Industrial Workers of the World. For more information:, or 770-313-4628 or

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